Blic pitanja za Igor Illes-Igor Illes intervju sa Miško Polomac
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Ostale fotose sa Jagodine Open 2014 i narudzbe istih možete pogledati kod fotografa Miloša Markovića Mr.Big-a na linku -
Tvoja težina u van sezoni- 127kg
U formi si težak- Ove godine veoma različito sam težak,ali idealno mi je oko 105kg.
Mesto i datum rođenja- 10.7.1989 u Nove Zamky/Slovakia.
Bilderi koji te inspirišu- Shawn Rhoden, Dennis Wolf .
Šta je tvoja lična
inspiracija bavljenja bodi bildingom-Mišići,mišići spajaju ceo svet :)
Mišićna partija koju
najradije treniraš-Noge svakako.
Favorit vežba-Lateralno letenje za rame,trenutno.
Ono što najmanje voliš raditi
u gymu-Mrtvo dizanje,dead lifts,zato što trpim puno bolova u donjem delu leđa zbog njega.
Koliko puta sedmično
treniraš-Trenutno treniram 6puta sedmično,dva puta na dan.
Koliko puta radiš partiju mišića u sedmici-Svaku mišićnu partiju radim jednom sedmično osim leđa koja treniram dva puta u sedmici.Takođe odvajam kvadriceps od zadnje lože.
Radiš li kardio,koliko i koji-Da,radim kardio,steper i traku.Trenutno 30 min ujutro na prazan stomak.
Omiljena hrana u vansezoni-Pizza
Najdraža hrana u pripremama-Jutarnji proteinski shake (ovsene pahuljice,buter od kikirikija, med, pola banane ili jabuke, proteinski prah ,volim voćni okus)
Ostale fotose sa Jagodine Open 2014 i narudzbe istih možete pogledati kod fotografa Miloša Markovića na linku -
Koliko proteina i u.hidrata unosiš tokom dana u vansezoni,a koliko u
pripremama-U off sezoni jedem oko 2-2.5proteina po telesnoj težini i ugljikohidrata oko 300-500gr. U predtakmičarskoj fazi proteina oko 3,5-4gr i ugljikohidrata oko 50-100g dnevno.
Suplementi koje preporucuješ-Pod broj 1 vitamine i minerale.Ljudi ih najčešće zaboravljaju,a oni su najvažniji i bez njih ništa u organizmu ne funkcioniše pravilno.
Omiljeni sportista- Dorian Yates
Glumac i glumica- Megan Fox, Jason Statham
Muzika i muzičar- Battle Cry from Imagine Dragon. Mettalica, ACDC, Rytmus, Nickelback, Linkin Park
Kojim bi se sportom bavio da nisi u bodi bildingu-Ranije sam igrao hokej,i sigurno bih bio hokejaš da nije bodi bildinga.
U par reči opiši sebe-Disciplinovan,marljiv,tvrdoglav,nikada ne odustajem od cilja.
Gde mogu da ti se obrate oni koji žele saradnju sa tobom-Na mojoj facebook stranici,na websites,na mail..
facebook acount.: Veiny Beast Igor Illes-
All readers of your website, I would not ascribe the link! Never. Fight even if your destiny is not tilted. For me it was difficult, long term, I look for ways to IFBB, because here in Slovakia we have it hard when you want to return from the IFBB to NABBA, you just missed, even if you're good. Finance? iIt's not excuse everything you finance them, no one helping me but still strive to fulfill your dream to be a professional duties and IFBB. Insurrection and rebellion again until the lambs become lion...
VIDEO KLIP- Igor Illés Athletic: Road to Serbia (IFBB)
Flash questions for Igor Illés- interview with Misko Polomac
questions for Igor Illes-Igor Illes interview with Misko Polomac
And when you arrive, click google adsense ads on my blog
Your weight in the off season- 127kg
Your weight in a competition form- this year is very different. But ideal contest weight 105kg
Your height- 174cm
When and where were you born-10.7.1989 in Nove Zamky/Slovakia
Who are your role models in bodybuilding-Shawn Rhoden, Dennis Wolf
What is your personal inspiration practicing body building- Muscles, because muscles you can bring together to all locations in world
Muscle part that prefer train – i like Legs
Your favourite exercise- Lateral shoulder exercise, this time
What exercise you hate- Deadlift, because make me a lot of pain to me lower back
How many times train muscle part in a week-One time all bodyparts withou back. Back 2 times. Legs single quads and single hams.
How many times a week you train- now i tran 6x 2times a day
Are you doing cardio exercises, what's your cardio choice,and how much time- stepmill or trademill. I do now 30min morning , empty stomach.
Favourite food in the off season- pizza
Favourite food in the pre-competitive season-morning protein shake (oatmeal, peanut butter, honey, half banana or apple, protein powder i like fruity taste)
How many carbs and protein you eat in the off season,and how many carbs and protein you eat in the pre-competitive season-in off season i eat around 2-2.5protein per bodyweight and carbs around 300-500g In-precontest protein 3,5-4g and carbs around 50-100g per day
What supplements do you recommend- vitamins and minerals. People forgot this important things. Without Vit/min body dont working right
Favourite athlete- Dorian Yates
Favourite book- don’t have
Favourite movie- Transformers
Favourite actress and actor- Megan Fox, Jason Statham
Favourite music and musicians- Battle Cry from Imagine Dragons. Metallica, ACDC, Rytmus, Nickelback, Linkin Park
If you were not a bodybuilder which sport would you go in for- i play before 15y ice hockey. I think i was then hockey player .
Describe yourself in few words- Discipline, Hard Worker, Stubborn, Never given up
Where can people contact you if they want your advice-
Your message for readers of POLOMAC MP BLOG-All readers of your website, I would not ascribe the link! Never. Fight even if your destiny is not tilted. For me it was difficult, long term, I look for ways to IFBB, because here in Slovakia we have it hard when you want to return from the IFBB to NABBA, you just missed, even if you're good. Finance? iIt's not excuse everything you finance them, no one helping me but still strive to fulfill your dream to be a professional duties and IFBB. Insurrection and rebellion again until the lambs become lion.
facebook acount.: Veiny Beast Igor Illes-
Your message for readers of POLOMAC MP BLOG-All readers of your website, I would not ascribe the link! Never. Fight even if your destiny is not tilted. For me it was difficult, long term, I look for ways to IFBB, because here in Slovakia we have it hard when you want to return from the IFBB to NABBA, you just missed, even if you're good. Finance? iIt's not excuse everything you finance them, no one helping me but still strive to fulfill your dream to be a professional duties and IFBB. Insurrection and rebellion again until the lambs become lion.
Pre započinjanja bilo kog fitnes, bodybuilding programa ili programa ishrane i suplementacije, uključujući i one predložene u ovom tekstu, trebalo bi konsultovati lekara. Određeni programi nisu pogodni za svakoga, i mogu rezultirati povredama ili drugim problemima. Svaku aktivnost ili ishranu poželjno je prilagoditi individui. Ako prilikom bilo kog programa treninga ishrane osetite probleme u ovakvim situacijama, obavezno konsultujte svog lekara što pre.
Misko Polomac-
Ponuda radnje POLOMAC MP-
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